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Targeting Social Isolation, Together Training Module

Welcome to our Targeting Isolation e-module! To start the e-module, scroll below and click “Let’s Begin.” Please complete all 5 sections of the e-module. Your progress through the sections will be shown by an orange indicator box at the bottom of the page. Once you complete a section of the module, the circle indicator will turn orange and you can select the next section.


Completing the Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

Once you have completed all e-module sections you can take the quiz. The quiz can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page.


We ask that you complete the e-module and quiz in one session and on the same device, as you cannot save your progress. It will take approx. 45 minutes to complete the e-module and quiz.


Certificate of Completion and Continuing Education Credits:

You will receive a Certificate of Completion once you have completed the e-module and have received at least 8/10 on the quiz. If you do not receive a passing score on the quiz, please review the training module and complete the quiz again. A certificate of completion will be sent to your email when a passing grade is obtained. 

Take the Quiz!

After completing this Targeting Social Isolation, Together Training e-module, please click the button below to complete the Targeting Isolation Volunteer Quiz to receive your certificate of completion.

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